A free donationware collection of twenty of my 2020 paintings, all formatted to 4K for desktop and mobile use.
2020 4K Wallpaper Pack (38 MB .ZIP)
It’s no secret that 2020 has been a brutal year for too many of us in too many ways to count — and I’m no exception. I lost my mother this year, and had a illness that sent me to the ER multiple times on the brink of my own death. Unfortunately for my sister and I (I am a mentally ill, wheelchair-dependent shut-in, and my sister is the only family — and the only in-the-flesh person — I have left at all), these and other circumstances have left us caught in legal limbo while we’ve been struggling in deep financial hardship. Our day-to-day struggles have never been more painful and precarious, and it is for her sake, as much if not more than my own, that I am doing this: She spent years fighting the system for the bare modicum of medical and financial assistance I’ve received (disability income that was meant to cover my barest needs alone, and is now failing to cover the needs of two people and the debts & bills of our house in the wake of my mother’s death), and without her continued daily love, care, and support through it all, I wouldn’t be here in more ways than one. She was the main reason I came back online months ago after several years away from the web, struggling to try and reestablish my career as an artist — and now, in humility and hope, to ask for your help.
So as both a holiday offering and a plea, I’ve put together this free wallpaper pack, featuring a selection of twenty (naturally) of my 2020 paintings — every single one presented in full 4K resolution, formatted for desktop (horizontal) and mobile (vertical) screens. As with all my work, these wallpapers are presented under a CC BY-NC-SA license: In other words, feel free to share and do what you like with these as long as you keep my credit and don’t use them for commercial purposes. (In the case of this wallpaper pack, please don’t remove this notice.)
And if you enjoy these wallpapers, and/or have appreciated my work in general, please consider helping me out by donating to me at:
Again, I know times are rough for so many of us right now, and I assure you I don’t ask lightly. In fact, in over two decades since I’ve been on the web, I’ve never before directly asked for financial help in this manner… but ANY contribution you could consider making to me and my sister would be more deeply appreciated than I can say. (Although I’m posting this during the holidays, I can’t even begin to imagine when — if — we may no longer find ourselves in this state of need in the new year.) And, of course, I’m gladly available for commissions as well: I have extensive experience in my former years doing covers for books, albums, and magazines, as well as advertising. If you’re interested in commissioning me for illustrative work, drop me an email at a@manmadeghost.com anytime.
Thank you for hearing me out, and above all, thank you for being here — my art is my most personal and fulfilling lifeline (and self-therapy), and I deeply appreciate anyone who appreciates what I do. Please enjoy the wallpapers, and have a great holiday season… and for fuck’s sake, let’s ALL have a better and brighter 2021.
Noah Grey aka manmadeghost
December 20, 2020